The most popular morning show's host Maya Khan was under discussions from previous many weeks, her program has been banned after a show broadcasted by her on morning show.
Kamran Shahid has invited Morning Show Host Maya Khan today at his tv show Front Line with Shahid, Maya Khan who was under discussions and covered by electronic media (mostly internet), the self-styled civil society has been fingering on Maya from previous many weeks but its time of Maya who proved again that she has no matched.
Maya Khan presented a video in dvd form to Shahid and answered everything that has been questioned from here from many days she was targeted by several social circles, even the households are not separated from the Maya's issue. The issue that would understandable by the NGO backed societies that are well qualified and spending there lives on donations received from various US and European countries that want the same society and culture in Pakistan. Maya's Sin is that she is trying to point out some garbage type habits that are form part of our society, like dating of young un-married couples that are strongly prohibited by the Islamic Society, the way these habits are indulging in our society will soon abrupt our culture and our young generation.
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